Monday, December 9, 2013

Angels Of Epilepsy Foundation is proud to announce that "The Seizure Diary" is now available


Angels of Epilepsy is proud and excited to announce that we now have our book, "The Seizure Diary" available!  This is a book that helps those living with epilepsy/seizure disorder, to write down important information (date of episode, type of seizure, descriptions, & questions/concerns for the doctor.) This book is good for epilepsy survivors to have for themselves, family, caregivers, and especially for doctors to have in reference to their episodes.  Also, this book has a journal to write your thoughts, feelings, or just anything. This book will be so great to have, especially when going to visit your doctor!


Natalie Beavers, an epilepsy survivor that deals with short-term memory loss, came up with this idea as she sat at a doctor's appointment and was asked many questions.  She absolutely couldn't remember a lot.  So as she sat there, a little embarrassed, an idea came to her and she immediately started to create it.  Many of those living with epilepsy have to write a lot to help them remember.  Our doctors need to know when the seizures occur, how it occurs, descriptions, and definitely needs to know our questions and concerns.  Parents and caregivers dealing with patients or children, will also like "The Seizure Diary" to take down important info as well.   

There are a few pages in the back of this book, which is a journal, where you can just simply write!  Angels Of Epilepsy really believes that this book/journal will be a wonderful tool that will help many of those living with epilepsy.  What epilepsy survivors go through, is very important for doctors to know about, even others.  We hope you will enjoy this great tool and if you ever get close to running out of pages in your diary, you can always get another one! 
You can purchase "The Seizure Diary", by visiting on our "Contact/Donate" page.
Angels of Epilepsy thanks you dearly and we hope that we can help the many around the world living with epilepsy.....
*** You can make a donation on our website at ***

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